
Monday, December 27, 2010

The artwork of a monster

Hi there!!

It’s been a while…a while?? it has been a very long time since I last updated this blog. I am very sorry for keeping all of my fans waiting, craving for my new artwork.. gahahahaha!! Craving eh? Are you? Nope, don’t think so. Haha.. nevermind. What have I missed??.. hmm… the Spain won the World Cup, Malaysia’s Proton launched a new car called Inspira (not excited about it), our astronaut Sheikh Muzaffar is married to Dr Halina, Lin Dan won the Badminton in Asian Games by beating our own Lee Chong Wei, North Korea and South Korea are about to have a war, a really stupid malay male announced that he is gay in youtube, Harry Potter’s new movie (Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows) has been released (love it!!), Maher Zain came to Malaysia to do a concert, a 12 year old male Grayson Chance phenomenon in the US (don’t really like his voice and his obsession to his hair like Justin Bieber), and many more. There were so many things have happened in 2010 and time sure flies.

Blogging is not as easy as I thought. Well, it's my fault to begin with because I wanted to do a blog on my own artwork. To draw something, I need to come up with an idea first. The idea, is very difficult to get these days. Sigh.. Maybe I should do a blog about my daily lives, like most of the famous bloggers do. But no, I don't want to. haha. I'm sticking with sharing my artwork to people. Ganbaro!!!

So, I’ve come up with a new artwork recently, an artwork of a monster. An ogre perhaps. I like drawing monsters. They are not attached to any real living things that we see every day. Their creations are mere imagination. I admire the drawing of monsters by the Japanese and the Western. They can draw anything, from the coolest monster to the most horrible ugly looking monster. And I am not saying about monsters like pokemon, Inuyasha, foster’s home for imaginary friends, monsters inc., cookie monster, Oscar, elmo, or even Teletubies!! I’m talking about scary, ugly, cool, terrifying looking monsters like for example from the Final Fantasy, WarCraft,Lord of the Rings, etc… I love WarCraft! Their drawings are filled with small details of accessories, muscles, veins, scars, strength, horror, and the lust of blood! Hahaha!!!.. Anyways, enjoy this drawing. This is all for now. I hope that I will have the strength and willingness to update this blog frequently.

Until next time.. See ya!!