
Monday, June 21, 2010

Naga (Dragon)

OK, Salam semua.

Tadi baru lepas menonton piala dunia perlawanan antara Portugal dan Korea Utara. Menang besar Portugal, 7-0 tuu... Siap ada gol yang agak kelakar la. Mamak-mamak kat kedai mamak tu pun gelak-gelak juga. Hahaha.. Tapi okla tu Korea Utara dapat masuk piala dunia, negara-negara lain termasuk negara kita Malaysia yang tercinta ini, kenalah berusaha kuat. Tengok iklan kat TV tu yang "Malaysia layak ke sukan Olimpik!!" Tapi kita tak join sebab boikot ketika itu kalau tak silap sebab dasar Apartheid tu kot. Kalau salah harap betulkan!!

Ok, cerita selanjutnya. Lukisan kali ini ialah naga, atau bahasa inggeris nya "dragon". Naga merupakan haiwan mitos yang diceritakan hampir di setiap benua. Setiap benua ada interpretasi tersendiri tentang naga. Naga di Eropah digambarkan sangat besar, ganas, boleh menyembur api, bersayap dan tinggal di gua-gua gelap manakal naga di China pula berbentuk panjang seperti ular dan naga yang berkuku atau berjari lima melambangkan maharaja China. Keterangan lebih lanjut boleh didapati di Wikipedia dan buku Misteri Dunia hasil karangan Nasron Sira Rahim (buku pinjam dari Siti, dah lama pinjam tapi tak pulang-pulang lagi... Hehehe).

Kita juga, di Malaysia ada naga kita tersendiri iaitu naga tasik Chini. Tak ingat sangat ceritanya jadi kepada mereka yang nak tahu cerita naga tasik Chini tu bolehlah menonton teater klasik. Cerita kartun 3D yang baru keluar baru-baru ini, How to Train Your Dragon. Best giler cerita tu. Penggunaan watak naga yang baik, pengolahan cerita, dan ada aksi yang best, bagi aku cerita tu perfect lah. Haha..

Ok, mungkinlah lukisan ni ada iras-iras How to Train Your Dragon punya konsep tapi saja nak lukis sebab aku minat sangat nak lukis naga. Haha.. Sekian sahaja untuk kali ini.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Black and White art

This is my first time blogging. I've created this blog just to show you guys my artworks, starting with this one. I really like drawing in black and white, it shows some simplicity in the artwork and if the artwork is really cool, plus the fact that the person is only using two colours, it adds the uniqueness of the artwork. COOL!! But by reading this, some of you might think, "Hey, this guy is saying all these things just because he does not know how to colour." Huhuhu.. You are right. I do not know how to colour. That is why I like to draw in black and white.

Since I started drawing, I have tried using magic pen, coloured pencils, water colour, and even poster colour. But they failed me, or I failed them. Either one, most of the times, I neglected to use many colours for my artwork. So I stick with black and white, they are reliable, simple, and they are the basic colours for manga!! Yeah.. I like manga. That is the main reason I draw.

The interest of drawing started when I read a comic made by my older brother's friend. He drew a comic that mimics Street Fighter. Both his drawing and the storyline was awesome!! I read it over and over again even the comic was drawn in a typical school notebook. That was the beginning of my interest in drawing.

I think that is enough for now. More stories will be coming soon as I post another artwork next time. Enjoy this artwork for now, and if you do not enjoy it, haha.. just ignore it. I am not a professional artist, not even a graduate from any art school, just a normal person with a drawing hobby. Well then, see you next time!!